Monday, August 17, 2009

YTS Weekly Update 8/17/09

YTS Players and Parents-
The first week of the YTS season was a success, the coaching staff was very excited to work with the kids for the first time and put faces to names.

Throughout the season these updates will touch on a number of different issues that come up during the season but I will also make an effort to speak about the players and the training that they are getting and why they are doing the things that they are doing...

A main concern with younger players at CASL and in our country is that they are "skipping steps" i.e. moving past skills that haven't been learned and mastered. We will ask your children to spend a lot of time on their personal skills...passing, recieving, dribbling, etc. Each day in the early parts of the season we will spend together as a group working on these skills. As I tell the kids, everyone can pass the ball but how well can they do it and how consistently can they do it. "You cannot play the game if you don't have the tools to play it."

Hopefully the kids have gone home to work on their "homework". I will be giving them challenging but achievable skill tests after each training session for them to go home and work on their own at. You can be an active part of this by passing or juggling with them or you can be a helpful part by sending them out to the backyard before dinner to do their "homework."

If there is one thing that we hope to achieve this year it is for your children to fall in love with the game. If they leave this season feeling this way then we have done our jobs and the skill and soccer work will take care of itself.

All paperwork is in, thanks for being on top of that. There will be a few additions to rosters after some kids have come out to tryout in the last couple of weeks, otherwise, we are looking forward to another great week. See you on the fields.


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