Friday, June 22, 2012

Happy Friday

YTS Parents,

I hope this email finds you all enjoying the warm weather and watching the European Championships on ESPN.  Please encourage yoru children to watcth the game on TV.  Below you will see some more reminders.

1.  If you have already registered and accepted your child's spot for the fall season thanks so much for taking care of this.  If you have nt please take care of it ASAP.   The link to complete this process is below

2.  You can also now order your YTS uniform from Europsort. The link below should take you straight to the Eurosport page where you can order.  Remember each family is responsible for ordering their own uniform etc.  The link shows all of the required items for the coming season.  It is very important all of our players wear the correct attire.  Returning players only need to purchase a new bag and the black long sleeve training shirt.

3.  CASL Training T-Shirts will be purchased through each team manager and only one order will be made per team.  This will not happen until later in the summer.   Each player should purchase two training t's if of course you don't already have one.  Team managers will help coordinate this.

4.  The Chelsea 3's tournament is being held again this year on August 4th. We have changed the format from a two day event to a one day only event (Rain make up day is August 5th). All teams will be guaranteed 4 games. If you would forward this email onto your team managers I would appreciate it. All CASL players will receive half off their entry fee. A typical team fee is $240.00 if they are all CASL players then the fee changes to $120.00 (6 players per roster at $40.00 per player) to receive your CASL Player discount enter the discount code "CASL" for each player at the payment screen. Directions on how to register and how to enter the discount are also located under the application button on the tournament home page. Last year we had a great turn out and with your support hope to have another great event! If anyone has any questions please feel free to email me at .

I think this is a great waty to start the fall season.  It would make sense that each YTS team form two teams for the event if enough players are interested.  Again coaches will not select the teams for this event so a parent can help get two teams together.

I think that is it for me right now.  As always if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.


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