Liverpool - Coach Sam Owoh
Colton Gyure
Jordan Nguyen
Noah Lawrence
Parker Willis
Eden Ondachi
Seth Beltran
Carter Massengill
Alec Harrison
Robert Pilson
Kyle Morgan
Newcastle - Coach Jonathan Knause
Angelo Madrid
Kevin Serratos
Davis Keen
Nicholas Fairnak
William Barton
Elliot Teal
Samuel Vlahoplus
John Hollowell
Owen Prather
Manchester United - Coach Nick Cerrulo
Wesley Mason
Mateo Espinosa
John Givens
Robert Frame
Owen Malone
Adam Armour
David White
Jack Curry
Kofi Sallie
Harrison Brown
Arsenal - Caleb Norkus
Evan Retzlaff
Kenneth Hernandez
Alec Burnside
Jack Hospers
David Williams
Christopher Shearin
Benjamin Coburn
Shane Morse
Taj Salmon
Diego Pardo
Chelsea - Coach Dwight Findley
Gabe Troche
Liam McLaughlin
Ignacio Romero
Matthew Zack
Logan Swank
Jackson Burkhart
Ismail Harfoush
Conrad Moss
Michael Skiko
Everton - Coach Biri Bastos
Lucas Pleasants
Christian Welch
Ethan Wady
Cole Wright
Andrew Kistner
Cameron Cash
Thabo Nare
Jeffrey Perry
Robbie Wilson
Just one typo, actually two, Mateo's last name ends in "za". The other wishful typo is putting a life-long Liverpool supporter's child on a team called Man-U . . . so painful. In preparation for the fall, I will spend the next two months in parent therapy . . . just kidding (sort of). In all seriousness, we're excited for the season. - Kevin Espinoza, YNWA